Payments should be mail to PO Box 441 Clinton, Missouri 64735-8921
Located at 9 SE 400 Rd Clinton, Missouri 64735-8921
New Year's Day January 1, 2023 (no change)
Memorial Day May 29, 2023 (all 1 day late)
4th of July July 4, 2023 (T,W,Th all 1 day late)
Labor Day September 4, 2023 (all 1 day late)
Thanksgiving November 23, 2023 (TH 1 day late)
Christmas December 25, 2023 (no change)
If a holiday falls on a weekday, and the holiday is on or before your pick up day, then your trash service
will be delayed by one day. If a holiday lands on the day after your regular pick up, then you will not be
affected by the holiday delay.
Golden Valley Disposal is not responsible for damage to the approach (driveway, parking lot, yard,
grass, landscaping etc.) to/around container(s). Customer must provide a solid/ample area to
accommodate a full size trash truck with a full load in order to service container(s). Golden Valley
Disposal is not responsible for damage caused by our containers/trucks due to wind or other weather
conditions. No return if dumpster is blocked.
Phone: (660) 885-2119 | 888-655-2119
We Accept Cash, Check or Charge (3% Convenience Fee Added for All Credit Card Transaction)
Please send all payments to PO Box 441 Clinton, Missouri 64735-8921
Address: 9 SE 400 Rd Clinton, Missouri 64735-8921
Fax: (660) 885-4154
Business Hours: